Saturday, June 16, 2007

Who is Silver Surfer?

After watching the movie Fantastic 4-Rise of the Silver Surfer, one thing goes to my mind,a question,who is silver surfer?where did he originated? very interesting character,in fact we should give the credit to him for making the movie"Fantastic 4" more exciting than the original "Fantastic 4"..."Palagay ko" he will appear again in "Fantastic 4-Part III..Wait and see na lang tayo..

"Everything you know, is at an end"

Marvel Universe

Real Name
Norrin Radd

History: Norrin Radd - former hearald of the mega-tyrant Galactus, offer his life to protect his native planet, placing him in the service of Galactus as a silver suited sentinal. As a galaxy cruising protector endowned with superhuman strength, he is able to control and direct cosmic energies, with enough force to destroy a city. After visiting Earth, the Surfer finally betrayed Galactus and refused to supply his world-devouring appetite. His punishement was confinement to earth - but he escaped and currently soars the starways as a universal protector.

Height: 6 ft. 4 in.
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: White
Hair: None

Known superhuman powers: The Silver Surfer can endow himself with Class 100 strength, enabling him to lift (press) over 100 tons. He possesses the Power Cosmic which he can use to generate powerful force blasts or to rearrange molecules. The Surfer travels on a "surfboard" which responds to his mental commands and is as indestructible as he is. He has a Cosmic Awareness which allows him to feel energy around him.

Sentinel or Sky-Rider of the Spaceways, Silverado

True identity unknown to most of Earth

Spacefaring adventurer and explorer; former would-be world conqueror, minion of Gaea, Earthbound adventurer, herald of Galactus, scholar; sometimes mistakenly regarded as a messianic figure


Place of Birth
Planet Zenn-La, Deneb System, Milky Way Galaxy

Known Relatives
Jartran Radd (father, deceased), Elmar Radd (mother, deceased), Fennan Radd (half-brother, possibly deceased)

Group Affiliation
Heralds of Galactus; Formerly Defenders, the Order, Star Masters, Secret Defenders, Titans Three

Tutored in science by Jartran Radd and in the nature of the universe by Galactus; self-taught in various areas, especially history, and absorbed much Zenn-Lavian knowledge from "hypno-powered study cubes"


225 lbs.

Silver (blue as Radd)

Bald (black eyebrows as Radd)


The Silver Surfer wields "the power cosmic", absorbing and manipulating the universe's ambient cosmic energies. He can augment his strength to incalculable levels, and is almost totally indestructible. He can navigate space, hyperspace and dimensional barriers, and can fly at near-limitless speeds on his board, entering hyperspace when he exceeds light speed. He has even proven capable of time travel on occasion. The Surfer does not require food, drink, air or sleep, sustained entirely by converting matter into energy. He is immune to temperature extremes and most radiation, and can survive in vacuum environments such as outer space and hyperspace. He can analyze and manipulate matter and energy, and restructure or animate matter at will, even transmuting elements. He can heal living beings (though he cannot raise the dead), and has proven capable of revitalizing or evolving organic life on a planet wide scale. He can alter the size of himself or of other matter, cast illusions, fire energy blasts, form and manipulate energy constructs, manipulate gravity, absorb and discharge most forms of energy, and phase through solid matter. His senses enable him to detect objects and energies light years away, and to perceive matter and energy in subatomic detail; he can even see through time, and with concentration can achieve limited perception of past and future events in his general vicinity. The Surfer has demonstrated limited telepathic ability on occasion, and has proven able to influence human emotion and sensation.

The Surfer's board is composed of the same impervious, cosmic-powered silvery material as its master's skin, and is mentally linked to the Surfer; it moves in response to his thoughts, even when he is not in physical contact with it. The board is almost totally indestructible, but on those rare occasions where it has been damaged or destroyed, the Surfer has been able to repair or even re-create it. The Surfer can attack opponents remotely by directing the board against them, and the board is capable of absorbing and imprisoning other beings, at least temporarily.

First Appearance
Fantastic Four #48 (1966)

Silver Surfer #1 (1969)

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