| any religious groups believe that God can do everything and anything because He is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. But, do you know that there is something, which God cannot do? It is true that all the things that we see around us are all creations of God. We cannot deny the fact that even the smallest viruses, bacteria, and microbes . . . even the animals, both big and small . . . even the plants and the trees . . . including human beings ... are all creations of God. Even the vast galaxies, which are made up of billions of stars ... and the planets, whose sizes are almost hundred times bigger than the sun, were all made by God. Do you know that about a billion galaxies had been found in the universe? Included here is the Milky Way galaxy, wherein our solar system is a part of. It is in the solar system that the Sun and the nine planets are found. The earth, which is one of these planets, is considered by astronomers as the “Wonder of the Universe.” If we are going to think about it, we will realize how marvelous and how vast is the space that God created. Scientists call it as an “ever expanding universe” because each time that they look at it, through the aid of powerful telescopes, it appeared to be wider and more expanse than before. Especially, when the Hubble Space telescope had been released in the orbit in 1990. It was able to capture farther galaxies, which were never seen in the past. But, the most wonderful creation of God is MAN. Our being had been designed a lot different and much better that any other creation of God. Like our eyes, for instance, do you know that our eyes are considered as the best telescope? For this reason, inventors of modern telescopes had used our eyes as models, or patterns. However, they have not completely succeeded in coming up with a telescope that is exactly similar with our eyes. Another amazing feature of man is his brains. Do you know that our brain weighs only about 2% of our body’s total weight? Bur despite that, our brain has the capacity to store billions of knowledge and information? Much, much more than the biggest computers made by man can do. Every second, millions of messages enter our brain via the different senses. And the brain readily reacts to these stimuli through its 100 billion nerve cells called neurons. These were all made by a very powerful God. Yet, there is one particular thing than man does very frequently, which cannot be done by God. This is contradictory to the popular belief of many religious groups that, there is nothing impossible with God. There is one thing, which is impossible for God to do. This is written in Hebrew 6:18— “That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie . . .” It clearly states that, it was impossible for God to lie. Telling a lie is something, which is impossible for God to do. This is also stated in Titus 1:2— “In hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie, promised before the world began.” It is impossible for God to lie; He cannot lie. Let us not believe those who say that nothing is impossible with God. That is a deceit meant to mislead you. | |
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