| O YOU KNOW that, based on research, people who are basically meat eaters, like the Eskimos, easily grow old and live shorter? Their average life span is only 28 years. Another group is the Kirgese, a nomadic tribe in Eastern Russia. They are also fond of eating meat. In effect, they mature easily and die easily as well. Very few among them surpass the age of 40.
On the other hand, in an investigation conducted by anthropologists, they discovered that the people who are not fond of eating meat possess healthier bodies and they live longer. Just like the Hunzas in Pakistan, the Otomi tribe in Mexico, and the natives of South West Africa, who live for more that 110 years.
Do you know that World Health statistics shows that countries that have higher meat consumption have greater incidents of heart ailments and other diseases? This is contrary with non-meat-eating countries. Do you know the reason why meat eaters are more prone to illnesses and why they live shorter? One of the reasons is the gradual poisoning of their tissues caused by the toxic by-products that should have been removed from the meat of the animals we are eating.
Do you know that the biochemistry of an animal changes when it is frightened, especially while on the verge of being butchered? If people get sick because of great fear, the same is true with animals. In frightening instances, their bodies undergo profound biochemical changes. The hormone level in their blood and their adrenalin increase whenever they see other struggle while being killed. These hormones, which stay in the meat, eventually poison the human tissues. Perhaps, this is the reason why God commanded Israel to pour out the blood of the animal, which they kill, and cover it with dust. Because most of the toxic materials are mixed with the blood. This could be read in Leviticus 17:13, which says--
“And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beat or fowl that may be eaten; he shall pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust.”
According to scientists, the poisons in the body, including the uric acid and other toxic wastes, are in the blood and tissues. That is why, the meat of an animal carcass is laden with toxic blood and other waste by-products. Do you know why most meat eaters easily develop cancer? According to authorities, one possible reason is the fact that the meat of an animal that has been dead for several days is already rotting. Its color becomes greenish and grayish. But meat dealers try to conceal it by adding nitrates, colorings, and other preservatives to make it reddish in color again. However, these chemicals and preservatives can cause cancer. Dr. William Lijinsky, a cancer researcher said, “I don’t even feed nitrate laden foods to my cat.” From this, we can already discern that if they should not be fed to animals, the more they should not be fed to humans.
Do you also know that British and American scientists who studied intestinal bacteria among meat eaters saw a great difference between the intestinal bacteria of meat eaters and vegetarians. They found out that the bacteria in the intestines of meat eaters react on digestive juices in order to produce a chemical that causes cancer.
Another cause of cancer is the chemicals that are eaten by animals whenever they eat grasses and plants that were sprayed with pesticides. This is very rampant today because almost all fields and plantations in the world are being sprayed with chemicals like pesticides and commercial fertilizers. Do you know that these poisons are retained in the body of the animals? Therefore, when people eat the meat of these animals, which ate plants that were sprayed with chemicals, they poison is being transferred to them. In other words, man becomes the final consumer and recipient of the most poisonous substances, which, in turn, cause cancer and fatal liver ailment. Not only that. The animals also undergo many chemical treatments to make them fatter and bigger in built. In order to earn more profits, the raisers of these animals feed and inject them with hormones so that they grow bigger. They are also being given appetite stimulants, antibiotics, and chemical feed mixtures, most of which are found to cause cancer among humans.
For this reason, we have to contemplate on what St. Paul said in Romans 14:21--
“It is neither good to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.”
Indeed, the doctrines of the Gospel never become obsolete. However, the Gospel does not really prohibit us from eating meat. It is a part of the faith of a Christian that he should restrain himself in eating meat. As written in Proverbs 23:20--
“Be not among wine bibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh.” | |
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